HVAC Tune-Up
As temperatures start to cool, heating systems of all kinds will begin to run in order to keep you and your family comfortable.
Is your Heating System Ready?
Don’t wait for yours to stop working before you call your HVAC technician for a check-up or maintenance check.
Skipping regular maintenance and check-ups may result in over stressing your system and could cause several different problematic conditions. (Some of these conditions pose a greater risk than others in terms of safety. Others simply make the home less comfortable.)
- Dirty Filters – restrict airflow; deteriorates system longevity and pollutes indoor air quality
- Loose electrical components – can cause short-circuits and trip breakers that shut down the system altogether
- Worn or old capacitors – does not allow system to start
- Microbiological Growth within evaporator coils – is harmful to your health
- Restricted return air vents – overheats the unit from insufficient air supply
- Inspect Gas Lines and connections at Furnace for Leaks
- Check High Limit Control (Adjust if Needed)
- Inspect Burner Ignition System & Assembly
- Inspect Gas Burners
- Check and adjust manifold gas pressure
- Check temperature rise across heat exchanger for overheating
- Inspect heat exchanger for sooting, corrosion, cracks & deformities
- Inspect gas valve for corrosion, leaks, restriction of gas flow and abnormal noise
- Inspect furnace wiring assembly for loose connections
- Inspect flue and venting for obstructions and leaks
- Check (1) electrical circuit to furnace. Test all exlectical/safety circuits/controls for proper operation
- Inspect entire funace for loose or worn parts and abnormal vibrations
- Test and adjust the unit for peak operating efficiency
- Check carbon monoxide emission level or pass/fail
- Check defrost cycle and reversing valve operation (heat pump only)
- Check refrigerant level (heat pump only)
- Check emergency heat systems for proper operation (heat pump only)
- Free 1” filter and change (larger filters will be charged, but install is free)
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